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Truck mounted platform - LK300-D25

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Technical datas

Manufacturer name:Palfinger P 300 KS
Max. working height:30 m
Max. platform height:28 m
Max. horizontal reach:20,50 m*
Max. Lift capacity:350 kg
Platform dimensions:1,80 x 0,80 m
Machine dimensions:7,65 x 2,55 m
Transportation height:3,45 m
Support dimension:2,55 / 3,80 / 5,00 m**
Weight:7300 kg
Ground pressure load support max.:6200 daN


Usage area:outdoor use

Special features

+ extreme lateral reach
+ Fully variable support width
+ Automatic support levelling
+ No overhang (within the mirror width)
+ 230 V - Socket in basket
+ Differential lock
+ Bio oil filling

* see range diagram: (load dependent)
** narrow / one side narrow / both sides wide supported
(plate centre with plate load + 50 cm)


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